Tuesday, December 04, 2007

"A mega-choir of magisterial power..."

... that's us! (says The Guardian). The Manchester Evening News loved us too - particularly pleasing given that they often don't mention our presence at all!

I had several things to say about Saturday, but I can't remember them right now - they're written in my score, which is downstairs. So, maybe tomorrow. But I will report that (a) it was good; (b) Mark's soloists' curse struck again! Amanda Roocroft caught a cold (so no wonder she couldn't sing that top Bb) and this time Claire Rutter stepped in - at such short notice that she didn't make it till the end of the rehearsal! A very different voice to Amanda Roocroft, but she got the job done pretty spectacularly... including the top Bb, for which I love her!

One thing I do remember I was going to post.... about Messiah. Lots more to come on this topic, but since Wednesday is the only rehearsal before we meet the conductor and I know there are some people who've never sung it before, here are the ones you most need to look at:

And He Shall Purify
For Unto Us a Child is Born
His Yoke is Bloomin' Difficult
All we like sheep have gone astray... a LOT
Let us break their bonds

(Which reminds me... a belated but huge thank you to the several people who told me that they wouldn't have survived the Sibelius gigs without my mp3s. I love to feel useful!)

Finally, a couple of new choir blogs for you to investigate: Podium Speak and Choral Music Resource. Both found via From the Front of the Choir (which I thought I'd linked to before, but maybe I haven't) although the post that led me there was on ChoralBlog. Several of these bloggers seem to think there are no other choir blogs of note, but if I google "choir blog", mine is the first result... so either they haven't looked very hard or they don't think I'm worthy of note (a feeling I'm getting from lots of people, particularly employers, at the moment!)

And finally finally, something weird for you to mull over - the colour-blind synaesthete. It makes my brain hurt just thinking about it!

EDIT: I almost forgot. If there is anyone - that I haven't already asked - that has a copy of Carols for Choirs 4 (the soprano & alto one), I would love to borrow it if you don't need it for the next week or two, please. (I have 3 copies but I need 4.) Thanks!


Unknown said...

Hey . . . I've been following your blog for a long time. I'll make sure everyone else knows about it.

Jocelyn Lavin said...

I know you have, Philip, I didn't mean you! (I do have you in my sidebar!)

John Brough said...

Pleasure to find your blog! I'll add you to my blog role - thanks for mentioning mine! Good to know the choral blogs are starting to rise up!