Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New location

Well, if you're reading this, well done - you found me :-)

I won't explain in detail why I had to move, but you might be able to guess the reason from the fact that there is a certain word which no longer appears anywhere near the top of the blog, including in the URL. I was asked to remove this word, and now I have. (I haven't removed anything from the archives - there wouldn't be much point, because all the old posts will already have been cached by Google, so deleting them would have very little effect.)

A few people have emailed me to ask for an explanation - I'm sorry, I don't have the energy to give one at the moment (other than the one above). To say that I'm heartily sick of the whole organisation is putting it mildly - I very nearly quit the choir a couple of weeks ago, and if our next concert wasn't due to be the one big choral work I've NEVER performed, I think I would have. As it is, I'm just trying to concentrate on the singing and ignore all the rest of it as much as possible.

Anyway, I'll write more in the next couple of days, hopefully being a bit more cheerful!


Anonymous said...

Found you! For a column that's written with such pride and affection, I really don't understand the pressure to go incognito. Anyway, glad you're still around - in both senses!

Anonymous said...

I thought I'd guessed correctly. Didn't know one could migrate the whole of a blog to a new URL - you are clever!

Jocelyn Lavin said...

Well, thank you for that, Martin. Sadly the organisation in question sees things differently - they consider my blog to be an "anti-recruitment device" which also "damages the image of the organisation". (Those were the exact words used.)

Anonymous said...

"anti-recruitment device" which also "damages the image of the organisation". How was this communicated to you?

Jocelyn Lavin said...

Phone call, last summer. The more recent complaint was face to face.

MDB said...

I think they are lucky to have members like you who are so passionate, in these days of apathy that is so good to see.

I love reading your blog, long may it continue!

Anonymous said...

Glad you still exist - and I can't see anything in your blog that would be anti-recruitment - I think this is just the sort of thing that encourages people to join. Keep on the good work