Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"Is this heaven?" "No, it's Iowa."

Well, there were supposed to be quite a few choir people coming to my house tonight, but one by one they all cancelled, so I have a huge pile of sausage rolls to eat on my own. Luckily I adore sausage rolls! I should really have continued with the tidying, but instead I spent the last couple of hours watching Field of Dreams, which is one of the best films there is - I've seen it loads of times and it still makes me cry. (In a good way.) (If you've never seen it, go and buy the DVD immediately!)

Just thought I'd post a few links I've collected over the past few weeks.

Sting's next album will be "an album of 16th-century music performed entirely on ... voice and lute, there are a few four part harmonies that I sing and it's all music from the 16th century." I'm looking forward to this - Sting is one of my all-time heroes (along with Nelson, David Beckham, Clark Kent and others...)

A list of tongue twisters. Some of these are even more difficult than Jamie's "red leather, yellow leather, lavender leather" exercise!

Something called the Amen break, which I'd never heard of before. (Here's an mp3 of it.)

A list of all the musical genres there are, allegedly.

Some theories about why opera singers are fat.

A list of band name origins. (I like the Pretenders one - I never knew that!)

A thing about what classical performers wear (mentions Mark Elder).

William Byrd's theory about why everyone should learn to sing.

And finally, a really fascinating one that I could stare at for hours: a constantly-changing display of what's playing on American radio stations right now. No idea how it works but it's very cool!


Anonymous said...

Wow, thaks for all the links - that should keep me going for a few weeks over the summer! - Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

oops - that should say thanks!

Anonymous said...

I didn't cancel on you! You told me not to come. And I saw you yesterday. Mmmm sausage rolls. *jealous* (But they're not really allowed).

Jocelyn Lavin said...

I hadn't baked the sausage rolls yesterday - I cooked them because there wasn't anything else I could easily make for 10 people without going shopping :p

(And Liz, I could've said "they all cancelled until there were only 2 so there didn't seem much point continuing so I told the last one not to come", but I figured you'd know what I meant...)

Anonymous said...

Not invited! :-(

Question - which G & S opera refers to sausage rolls in a song?

Jocelyn Lavin said...

Well, the people who were invited were invited for a specific reason - it wasn't just a social thing. Sorry. And the G&S thing is the Grand Duke (although I admit I didn't know that till just now!)