Thursday, September 14, 2006

The day that the rains came down

It took me an hour and a quarter to get to work this morning. It's only 16 miles! Didn't help that I was still in a bad mood from last night, and a couple of annoying things happened during the morning, so by lunchtime I was totally fed up. However, things improved after that, and hopefully tonight's ladies' sectional will be so good that I'll be cheerful tomorrow. (I probably will be anyway, in the knowledge that tomorrow night I don't have to go out again once I get home from work, and I can sleep as long as I like!)

Thanks to all those who left comments and sent supportive emails after my last post. They were very much appreciated. I'm relieved to know I'm not the only alto who disagrees with what was said last night! Anyway, I'm off out in a minute, but I just thought I'd post to say that the updated schedule is now online in the usual place, complete with football fixtures (which I'd previously forgotten to add). Also, a few links:

A fan page for the lovely Dmitri Hvorostovsky, the baritone from the Last NIght of the proms. Wasn't he fabulous? I do hope he comes to sing with us sometime :-)

Another story about Mark's speech (from the Guardian), followed by one from the Independent, followed by an article by someone who disagrees, followed by yesterday's news that all the lobbying seems to have worked.

An interesting story about how many classical music lovers will have tried cannabis, and how hip-hop fans have more sex... (Graham unearthed this one - thanks Graham!) EDIT: the same story reported in the Guardian.

And finally, confirmation that Jamie didn't invent the word Nairn (he used it as an example of pronunciation last night but couldn't remember what it was, so the choir was convinced he'd invented it. But it's a place in Scotland).

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