Sunday, September 03, 2006

"Who’s top of the table? It’s not a London band..."

I was about to go to sleep, till I checked my email and found a comment from the fabulous Wendy pointing me towards an article I'd missed (thanks Wendy): the league table of British orchestras. Guess who's top! This is as it should be :-)

Long but good day today. I went to Hebden Bridge with a load of friends (some of whom I hadn't met before, but many of whom were current and past choir members). This was for a joint "hen day" for Meg and Rachel, who both get married in the next few weeks. The plan was to go for a walk and then have lunch, but the rain was so INCREDIBLY heavy that we had lunch first - a very long lunch - in the hope that it would ease off a bit. Well, it did, and we walked up an incredibly steep hill to Heptonstall, and then spent quite a while examining tombstones in the parish church graveyard in an effort to find two graves: that of Sylvia Plath, and one that someone remembered seeing on a previous visit, which allegedly ended with the line "She was a bad wife". We didn't find either, but it's a fabulous place, even in the rain! I recommend it.

Oh, and I'm getting a load of visitors to this site from this page, which is in Russian and appears to be about the lovely Mikhail Petrenko. Can anyone translate the bit where it links here? (it's at the bottom of the page) I'm curious, and the Google translator can cope with many languages, but not Russian :p

(In case you're wondering, the Honda ad searches are finally dying down, to be replaced with an amazing number of searches for either the picture of Eddie Izzard or asking how to pronounce Jesu!)

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