Wednesday, January 26, 2005

NOW they tell us!

Didn't go to choir tonight - I had a ticket for United v Chelsea (great game apart from the result, but that's another story). Just before setting off for the game I opened this morning's mail and found a letter from Naomi confirming arrangements for tomorrow (tsunami gig) including the fact that we are now doing the Rachmaninov Ave Maria as well as the Brahms. Not a problem in itself. But I got a text from Alison during the game informing me that we're doing it FROM MEMORY! Great. Would've been good to know this last week. Or even IN THE LETTER THAT WAS ONLY SENT YESTERDAY. If it'd been mentioned in the letter, I could've stuck it on my iPod and learned it while queuing for a tram. As it is I don't know when I'll be able to learn it. Falling asleep now, and during the day at work isn't an option (there's never a spare minute in a special school). So on the train tomorrow is the only chance I'll have - I just hope it'll stick quickly.

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