Friday, April 28, 2006

Welcome the altos into the f-ray

This was Jamie's worst pun tonight (and there were some really bad ones... e.g. "You have great looks but no loo-x!" to the sops who weren't using the right vowel on Lux Aeterna...). It referred to the last two chords of the Sanctus. (What do you think Fauré had against altos? Must read his life story sometime to try and find out!)

Not much to say, actually. Just about everything went wrong for me today (including a crisis I only discovered when I got home tonight) so it was good that the concert went well - it was a very welcome oasis of loveliness! I thought we did rather well. The soloists sounded a bit better tonight (but still not spectacular). Well, actually, the baritone was fine, but the sop was still flat. (She sounded pretty good in the weird Debussy song in the first half though. In fact, the whole of the first half was weird! Not unpleasantly so, though.) But the choir was great :-) Particularly the sops, actually. They sounded fantastic. There were several places where I had a huge grin on my face because of the loveliness from the other side of the choir!

Oh, and Jamie used the "keep the tiller in the water" analogy again. I wanted to tell him how little sense this makes, but there was no time, because we rehearsed till about 7.29 pm (well, it felt like it) and then I had to get changed. But I will explain boats to him the next chance I get :p

I'll write more tomorrow (maybe) but am off to sleep now, having spent the time since I got home preparing school stuff for tomorrow. Non-teachers conveniently forget these details when they complain about the length of our holidays!


Anonymous said...

I note we have the usual 'the choir were also there' type review in the M.E.N!

Anonymous said...

We were "precise and mellow" apparantly. Agree about the soprano soloist and also sop section.

Jocelyn Lavin said...

I suppose there are worse things to be than "precise and mellow". But I can't help feeling he only mentioned us at all because he knew he'd get angry emails from Graham if he didn't :p