Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Am in oh so very bad a mood. Grr. Tonight's orchestral rehearsal finished just after 8 pm, and I only got home 10 minutes ago. (It would've been 20 minutes ago, to be fair, but I stopped at the chippy because I couldn't be bothered to cook.) There was a committee meeting after the rehearsal, which I decided I'd really better not stay till the end of, as I have hours of work that must be done before tomorrow. So I said I was leaving at 8.55. At 8.54 a perfect opportunity arose to say something I'd wanted to say all meeting, so I did, and this resulted in me not leaving till 9.00 and hence missing the 9.19 train by 30 seconds and having to wait an hour for the next one. Again!!!

I've been in a bad mood all day, though, mainly because of something life-changing that happened to me on 8th February 1996, which was very much on my mind today. (My mind is annoying like that - it remembers all sorts of anniversaries it would be better to forget.) And then I got to the Bridgewater Hall and saw something on the notice board that really offended me (I might've laughed it off if I was in a good mood, but not tonight), so then I was annoyed with myself for getting so annoyed about such a tiny thing. At least the rehearsal was pretty good (nothing noteworthy to report), and there was far less talking than usual (well, the two girls behind me chatted nonstop, but they were from the RNCM).

Oh well. Tomorrow is another day, as they say :-)


Anonymous said...

Put 8th February 1996 in a box, seal it, and put it in the loft or somewhere. Most of us have similar feelings (and the older one gets, the more one has). Keep up and enjoy the good work which you do in so many ways. At least you're singing, not laid up with some mystery chest problem which is reluctant to go.
(You may delete all this from the blog!)
Hope it goes well this evening.

Anonymous said...

Far less talking?? Of course, you're nowhere near the tenors are you!


Anonymous said...

Sorry you had such a bad day. Hope today's much better - at least the sun's shining - and we've no siren to miss tonight!

Yoga Troll said...

sorry you had such a bad day!!!!!!!! (hope the chips helped!!)
i think the people who like to chat are more split up up at the moment....
still, when you rule the world they will stop the chatting (and "any dream will do" will only appear AT THE END of Joseph)

Jocelyn Lavin said...

Thank you all for the kind thoughts. Am now in much better mood as the worst is over for the time being - i.e. I just got back from a residential course I had to go on with staff from school, and as soon as the footy finishes I can go to sleep and SLEEP WITHOUT SETTING AN ALARM for the first time in several weeks \o/

Graham, I hope you're better soon, we miss you. What does the doctor say?

Anonymous said...

The chest problem put me into hospital on Saturday evening. Nearly expired (seriously). Apparently it is possible to develop asthma at any age. Have dined out on oxygen and other inhalants for 48 hours while the condition was stabilised, enjoyed antibiotics, steroids, x-rays, ECGs,blood sampling at nauseam, and two excellent nights' sleep on the assessment ward (I wish!!). I think I would have risked being put under by a hung-over, underqualified anaesthetist!!! Am now home for a rest and a re-assessment of my singing commitments in the near future. I fear that I will have to let some people down. Thank you for your concern.

I did miss singing in the two symphonies, but enjoyed them on the radio. Petroc probably double-checked on the presence of the RNCM Chorus because I rang the BBC to point out his omission in the first programme.