Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Really quick post today, just to say: 1. The Sunday Times very belatedly gave us a very nice review, and in their closing sentence we learn that "a complete Götterdämmerung, over two evenings, is promised." Complete operas are always exciting, especially with Mark, but I must admit I wish it wasn't Wagner. Still, maybe this experience will convert me!

2. My online choir schedule is up to date with the new additions to the schedule. There do seem to be quite a few surprises in the summer, don't there?

3. Last week was the Bach open rehearsal, and also the first time that we found out which of the two choirs we're in. (I'm in choir 1, and I felt a bit guilty at the start because choir 2 seemed to have nothing to do, until I found that they get all the best bits later on!) Lots of sight-reading took place (which, as you know, is one of my favourite things to do EVER) and there were many, many hilariously wrong notes. I think I sang more wrong notes during last week's rehearsal than I've sung in total over about the past five years! Not easy, is it? But I'm really looking forward to getting to know it properly. Yum.

Anyway, I need to get back to my rearranging of parts. My band has a gig on Thursday, and only three of us can make it, so since almost all our songs involve a lead singer and three backing parts, I'm having to do lots of amendments to the backing vocals. I like doing this but it takes an annoyingly long time... especially because I need to do it particularly clearly, since we haven't had a chance to rehearse with just the three of us, so the instructions I write on the music need to be foolproof!


Anonymous said...

Holt says that Wagner's themes are so lucid, and at the same time so beautiful, that even children can identify and remember them. "I think when you get to the whole concept of truth, by which I mean those things that hit you and everything is right, the sound is right, the kind of music is right, the way in which it is being played or sung and what happens dramatically to create that is right. Then we have the great truth—and Wagner is loaded with that."

From - http://deuceofclubs.com/write/holt2.htm

Anonymous said...

Or as they say on ISIHAC 'Damn the guttering'