Saturday, September 03, 2005

Eek! A month?!?

So sorry that I've neglected this blog for all that time, if you've been checking regularly. Back in the groove now though :-)

Spent most of the last month at home mainly playing World of Warcraft, so I have no excuse. I did spend 5 days in Glasgow, though (at the World Science Fiction Convention - I have some fabulous T shirts as a souvenir!) and I have sailed quite a bit. Back at work now, though, so the elves of Azeroth will have to manage without me...

Choir starts back on Wednesday. I've just spent a while updating the online schedule (if you don't have that bookmarked, do so now, because remember that it's deliberately not usually linked from anywhere else, and not Googleable - clever eh?). Oh, and the choir concerts page too.

I must say the thing I'm looking forward to most at the moment is the Sing with the Hallé day, but I can't decide whether I'm more excited about the prospect of the sound of all those people singing what is already one of the loudest pieces there is (and I'm presuming that for once none of the brass will have to be reined in!)... or finding out how on earth Jamie plans to teach it to everyone in just a few hours! (It's not even as if it's the only piece we're doing that day!) I think, on balance, the latter intrigues me more :p

Update on DVDs of our Proms performance: Five people have asked for copies so far. If anyone else wants one, now is the time to say so. The video file has now been transferred to the computer of the friend who's agreed to burn the DVDs. I don't want to nag him about it though, because he's doing it as a favour (and refusing to accept any money from me for doing it, so don't anyone try to give me any!) but I'm sure he'll do them pretty soon, if only to reclaim his disk space.

And finally - my very good friend Rachel Brown (of the 1st altos), who was very pregnant the last time most of you saw her, is in labour as we speak! Exciting! I'll post here if there's an update. Otherwise, see you on Wednesday :-)