Friday, September 30, 2005

Tokaroche. Tokaroche. Tokaroche. Vi kli ka yet. Vi kli ka yet.

... Yes, I still have that bit on the brain!

I'm full of awe for the work Fanny's put in on the Russian, in order to teach it to us. She must have spent hours and hours reciting it to herself. She did get a few whoops and rounds of applause last night for her performance, mind you :-)

We did the second half of the 3rd movement in detail, plus singthroughs of the first and last movements. So we've now done the whole of The Bells pretty thoroughly (well, apart from a few pages in the middle of the 3rd movement that got overlooked). It's mostly vaguely familiar by now - even some of the words!

Sectionals next week, and we also get to see Xenia the extremely Russian lady - whee! I bought a Teach Yourself Russian book yesterday - been meaning to do so for ages. No idea when I'll actually get to teach it to myself though... I'm rather unimpressed that the ladies' sectionals are at WHGS, btw. I really, really, really, really hate going there. Grrr.

A few random things:

The Sudoku I was doing last night was the hardest one I've ever done, and I made a mess of it and had to start it again. But I finished it tonight in the bath \o/ If you want to try it, it's this one.

Latest weird search that led someone to this blog: "listen to the choir singing double double by macbeth". I presume this is a reference to the Harry Potter film that featured a choir doing just that.

Graham E sent me an mp3 (thanks Graham) of a Jon Christos interview from Classic FM. If you want to have a listen, it's here.

And finally... the George Bush joke that Fanny was referring to is this one :-)

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