Sunday, May 21, 2006

Bimm bamm bimm bamm bimm bamm....

No more Mahler 3 for us for the foreseeable future. Good gig in Sheffield last night though. The City Hall has no acoustic at all, so it felt very different to the lovely Bridgewater Hall. But we did get to watch the first movement this time, from front of house, and then went onstage after that. (There were strange notices backstage saying "this concert uses offstage performers - SILENCE IS NOT AN OPTION"... We presumed it meant "silence is mandatory", but it wasn't clear!)

EDIT: I forgot to mention the two extremely small and cute Manchester Boys' Choir boys who presented bouquets to the soloist and Mark. Mark's face was a picture! Wonder why they didn't get them to do it on Thursday?

Poor Gillian had a fall on arrival at the City Hall. I didn't think it was too bad at first - she sat through the rehearsal, although Wendy was doing physio on her back for part of it (this baffled many of us at first, because we couldn't see why Wendy was sitting on the floor!) - but by the start of the concert she was lying flat on her back in the changing room, being examined by a paramedic and about to go to A&E. I hope all is now well - does anyone know?

My main achievement of yesterday - apart from buying an interview suit - was finding my way to and from the correct Sheffield car park without getting lost in the one-way system. I've gone wrong here so many times in the past that I made very sure I had a printout of my planned route before I set out. I have it saved on disk now, so next time we go I'm sorted :-)

Anyway, I haven't forgotten about Take That (how could I?!? Mmmmmmmmmmm, Take That) but they'll have to wait a bit longer as I'm trying to plan two lessons for my two interviews - both on topics I haven't taught for years - and also get all the latest educational terminology to stick in my head. (The latter is easier, because my current headteacher is very on the ball and mentions the latest stuff all the time.) With a LOT of luck, by Wednesday night's rehearsal I'll have a new job - fingers crossed!

(Oh, and for those who are wondering, the monkeys in the picture are Lisa, Liz and Rachel!)


Anonymous said...

I gather from Lindsay that Gillian is home - her daughter collected her from hospital in the early hours. She doesn't appear to have done much damage but her back had gone into spasm. She's bruised but not sprained or broken anything.

Anonymous said...

You're directions were excellent. We followed you out to the M1 and it's the first time I've not got lost trying to find the motorway.


Jocelyn Lavin said...

That's good news about Gillian.

And me too, Doreen! Last time I went to Sheffield I was thrilled to make it to that car park without getting lost. But I'd assumed I could find the way out again, and I don't think I ever found the motorway at all! Hence my determination to get both bits right this time. Preparation is key :-)

(I nearly ran out of petrol, because I'd forgotten I was running on fumes, but I just made it to the services. Phew.)